Connected Devices and Internet of Things Survey

IEEE conducted an online survey 11–17 February 2013 and gathered insights from 1,291 engineers and technologists on the future uses and challenges of connected devices and the Internet of Things. Below are the results:

1) Gender:

A) Male: 86%
B) Female: 14%

2) IEEE member:

A) Yes: 48%
B) No: 52%

3) There is dispute among industry leaders on what qualifies a device as "connected." Based on the two options below, which do you think best defines a "connected" device?

A) Connected devices must be directly connected to the Internet—for example, a smart phone or laptop: 30%
B) Connected devices include those that are directly connected to the Internet, or indirectly connected by way of another component within the ecosystem—for example, a pulse-counter wristband connected via Bluetooth to a cell phone: 70%

4) Based on your response to question 5, how many connected devices do you currently own/use, aside from your computer (laptop, tablet, or desktop) and cell phone?

A) 0–2: 61%
B) 3–5: 30%
C) 6–9: 5%
D) 10 or more: 4%

5) The trend of connected devices is growing exponentially based on the great benefits that people can gain from using them. In what ways are you most interested in using connected devices?

A) Improving my health: 9%
B) Improving my commute: 12%
C) Managing my home: 14%
D) Improving my work productivity: 65%

6) How comfortable would you feel using connected devices that monitor personal information such as your location and/or health?

A) I would not use a connected device that monitors personal information: 17%
B) I would be moderately comfortable using a connected device that monitors personal information: 68%
C) I would have no concern using a connected device that monitors personal information: 15%

7) IEEE experts predict that 1 in 10 people will have a constant connection to a medical device by the year 2020 (e.g., devices that measure heart rates, blood pressure, cholesterol levels). Do you feel a connected medical or health device would improve your wellness?

A) Yes: 72%
B) No: 9%
C) Uncertain: 19%

8) In your opinion, what is the biggest challenge facing the widespread adaptation of using connected devices?

A) Security of data: 39%
B) Privacy concerns: 46%
C) Battery usage: 15%

View the original article here